Defensive Pistol 1 3/18
$ 125 usd

Defensive Marksmanship
Defensive Pistol 1 introduces you to the core essentials of defensive pistol shooting. Ideal for beginners or as a refresher for experienced shooters. This course lays the foundation for the rest of the series. Topics include how to practice, target selection, defensive mindset, ready positions, defensive marksmanship and tactical anatomy and home defense concepts. This session sets the stage for success by ensuring all students develop a strong foundation Is defensive handgun techniques.
Prerequisite: None
Cost: $125
Length: 4 hours
Required Equipment:
- Mid or full-sized pistol or a full-sized revolver
- Eye and ear protection
- 3 magazines for your pistol
- Magazine pouch(es)
- 250 rounds of range ammo
If you have eligibility questions or need equipment recommendations for this class, please contact us.
Aqil Qadir
Owner & Chief Instructor
Contact us
- CSA Staff
- in••••o@cit••••y.com
- (615) 801-8007
Firearms Pharmacy, 705 Briskin Lane, Lebanon, TN
- Fundamentals/Beginners
- Defensive Pistol